Journal Entry 2

Date: 14., 15. 4. 2024

Activity: Added menu screen, score and high score


I was missing a hand sprite, and I could not find it anywhere, so I turned to Bing AI for image generation. It did not want to cooperate, but I managed to get something usable out of it and then edited in Photoshop to fit my needs.

Then I created a basic UI for start screen, score and game over screen. I am storing the score in singleton TransitionManager that has DontDestroyOnLoad. For the high score I found PlayerPrefs and decided it is good enough for my needs.

Another problem one playtester found is that the dropping action is not as responsive as it should be. I changed how input is read and now it feels much better.

Invested Hours: 

1 hour - convincing AI to create image I want

1 hour - creating the UI

3 hours - implementing the score and high score

1 hour - fixing the input for better responsivness


handWithseed.png - the generated sprite

Files 27 MB
May 15, 2024
handWithSeed.png 427 kB
May 15, 2024

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